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Migrating from B-Folders 3

B-Folders 3 (v. 3.2-3.3) and B-Folders 4 (v.4.0) use the same sync protocol and the same database format so you can sync across B-Folders 4 and B-Folders 3 peers and you can restore backups interchangeably. User data specific to B-Folders 4 like Card templates, icons and AutoFill settings will be preserved in B-Folders 3 even though the respective features are not available.

Android edition

The Android edition of B-Folders 4 is free and interoperable with B-Folders 3, so you can directly upgrade to B-Folders 4. Do not uninstall B-Folders 3 from your Android device if you have it already installed. Installing B-Folders 4 will replace the old installation and your database and settings will be preserved.

You can get B-Folders 4 Android Edition either from the application store of your device or from our web site.

Desktop edition

B-Folders 4 Desktop Edition is a new major version and upgrading from an older version would require paying a small upgrade fee. Hence, it is rational and advisable to evaluate B-Folders 4 Desktop Edition before purchasing an upgrade license.

On Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, B-Folders 4 and B-Folders 3 can be installed side-by-side and installing B-Folders 4 will touch neither your B-Folders 3 installation nor its database. This way, you can evaluate B-Folders 4 without any effect on your B-Folders 3 setup.

To load B-Folders 4 with your data, back up your database in B-Folders 3 and restore the backup into B-Folders 4, but avoid running one if the other is already running. You can safely sync B-Folders 4 with your other computers and mobile device running either B-Folders 3 or B-Folders 4 without any risk for your data when the evaluation period of B-Folders 4 Desktop Edition expires.

NOTE: B-Folders 3 and B-Folders 4 use the same database format so you can restore backups created with B-Folders 4 into B-Folders 3.

NOTE: Since the embedded web browser is no longer available in B-Folders 4, you will need to install a B-Folders extension for your web browser (Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer are currently supported). Learn more